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A Comparison of Programming LanguagesACHTUNG: Diese Vorlesung wurde abgesagt! Lecturer Prof. Dr. Judit Nyekyne Gaizler, Eötvös Loránd
University Budapest, Judit Nyekyne Gaizler is an associate professor at the Eötvös Loránd University, Department of General Computer Science, where she regularly teaches the following courses:
She is the editor and co-author of several books and textbooks (Java, Ada, PL's) in Hungarian. Course2 hours per semester (geblockte KV),acceptable under "Spezielle Kapitel aus Softwareentwicklung" in the Computer Science Curriculum. The course is given in English. DatesACHTUNG: Aus privaten Gründen ist es unserer Gast-LVA-Leiterin Prof. Dr. Nyekyne-Gaizler nicht möglich, die LVA "Spez. Kapitel aus SWE: A Comparison of Programming Languages" im SS 2006 abzuhalten.ContentsThis course discusses the concepts of common programming languages based on a comparison of languages such as Alphard, Ada, Beta, C, C++, C#, CLU, Delphi, Eiffel, Java, Modula-2, Modula-3, Oberon, Objective C, Pascal, Perl, Smalltalk, etc. The outline of the course is as follows:
In addition to the course there will also be a programming project to be delivered by the students (in Ada and/or Eiffel). Compilers for these languages are freely available. Literature