C++ GUI Programming with Qt 3


Szabo-Nacsa Rozalia, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Department of Software Technology and Methodology


1-stündig geblockte KV,
anrechenbar unter "Spezielle Kapitel aus Softwareentwicklung" im Informatik-Studienplan.
Die Lehrveranstaltung wird auf Englisch gehalten und und besteht aus einem Vorlesungsteil und aus einem Übungsteil.


Datum: Uhrzeit: Raum: Teil:
Montag, 4.4.2005 13:45-15:15 HF 9904 lecture

15:30-17:00 HF 301 exercise
Dienstag, 5.4.2005 13:45-15:15 UC 5

HF 301
Mittwoch, 6.4.2005 13:45-15:15 K 001A

HF 301
Donnerstag, 7.4.2005 13:45-15:15 HF 9901 lecture


Graphical user interfaces are required to create successful programs for today's users. Qt is a complete C++ application development framework, which includes a class library and tools for cross-platform development and internationalization. Qt consists of several components: The Qt library itself, applications for GUI design, internationalization and documentation/help file reading, and finally cross-platform build and utility tools. The library makes available approximately 400 classes with most of the infrastructure functionality needed to build nontrivial applications. The Qt API and tools are consistent across all supported platforms, enabling platform independent application development and deployment. Because of Qt's Object-Oriented hierarchy, its good structure, its well developed widgets, and the fact that it includes many other functions than just for creating graphical interfaces, makes it good choice for beginners as well as experts.

Qt Designer is a full-fledged GUI builder. It includes powerful features such as preview mode, automatic widget layout, support for custom widgets, and an advanced property editor. Qt Designer makes it easy to experiment with user interface design. At any time you can generate the code required to reproduce the user interface from the files Qt Designer produces, changing your design as often as you like. Qt Designer helps you build user interfaces with layout tools that move and scale your widgets (controls in Windows terminology) automatically at runtime, taking font sizes and language use in consideration. The resulting interfaces are both functional and attractive, comfortably suiting your users' operating environments and preferences.

The purpose of this course to introduce you how to write GUI programs using Qt 3. It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of C++.




  • Installing the Qt Library
  • GUI Toolkits and Cross-Platforml Libraries
  • Compiling and Running a Qt Program
  • Using the Qt Reference Documentation
  • Parent/child Relationship
  • Linking User Interaction to Application Functionality
  • Main Window and Actions
  • Predefined Dialogs
  • Custom Dialogs
  • Using Qt Designer
  • Using Layout Managers
  • Working with Files
  • QMake - Automate Creating Makefiles
  • Miscellaneous:Tooltips,What's This
  • Project Task: Creating a GUI Application
