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InvHandle = -2; Error = -1; Success = 0; (* return codes *)

SuccessWithInfo = 1; NeedData = 99; NoDataFound = 100;

showErrors = 1; haltOnErrors = 2; verboseErrorMsg = 3; (* options *)

InParam = 1; InOutParam = 2; OutParam = 4; (* parameter types *)

NTS = -3; NullData = -1; (* parameter values *)

OberonChar = 1; OberonShortInt = -6; OberonBoolean = -7;

OberonInteger = 5; OberonLongInt = 4; OberonReal = 7;

OberonLongReal = 8; OberonBinary = -2; OberonFile = -4;

OberonDate = 9; OberonTime = 10; OberonTimeStamp = 11;

SQLBit = -7; SQLTinyInt = -6; SQLBigInt = -5;

SQLLVarBin = -4; SQLVarBin = -3; SQLBin = -2;

SQLLVarChar = -1; SQLChar = 1; SQLNumeric = 2;

SQLDecimal = 3; SQLInteger = 4; SQLSmallInt = 5;

SQLFloat = 6; SQLReal = 7; SQLDouble = 8;

SQLDate = 9; SQLTime = 10; SQLTimeStamp = 11;

SQLVarChar = 12;



sqlType: INTEGER;

prec: LONGINT; (* maximum number of significant digits *)

scale: INTEGER (* -"- right to period *)


Field = POINTER TO FieldDesc;

FieldDesc = RECORD

name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; (* of the column or parameter *)


type: Type;

isNull, nullable: BOOLEAN


IntField = POINTER TO IntFieldDesc;

IntFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc) i: LONGINT END ;

FileField = POINTER TO FileFieldDesc;

FileFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc) f: Files.File END ;

StringField = POINTER TO StringFieldDesc;

StringFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc) str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR END ;

BinaryField = POINTER TO BinaryFieldDesc;

BinaryFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc) b: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR END ;

BooleanField = POINTER TO BooleanFieldDesc;

BooleanFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc) b: BOOLEAN END ;

DateField = POINTER TO DateFieldDesc;

DateFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc) year, month, day: INTEGER END ;

TimeField = POINTER TO TimeFieldDesc;

TimeFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc) hour, minute, second: INTEGER END ;

TimeStampField = POINTER TO TimeStampFieldDesc;

TimeStampFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc)

year, month, day, hour, minute, second: INTEGER;

fraction: LONGINT


RealField = POINTER TO RealFieldDesc;

RealFieldDesc = RECORD (FieldDesc) r: LONGREAL END ;

ParamDesc = RECORD

type, mapType: Type;


name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR


Row = POINTER TO RowDesc;

RowDesc = RECORD cols: INTEGER END ;

Connection = POINTER TO ConnectionD;

ConnectionD = RECORD

ret: INTEGER; (* error code of last operation *)

dbc-: LONGINT (* ODBC connection handle *)


Statement = POINTER TO StatementD;

StatementD = RECORD

ret: INTEGER; (* error code of last operation *)

stmt-: LONGINT; (* ODBC statement handle *)

conn-: Connection; (* associated connection *)

results, params: Row (* row of results and parameters *)


EnumDataSourcesCB = PROCEDURE (dataSource, description: ARRAY OF CHAR;

VAR continue: BOOLEAN);

EnumDataTypesCB = PROCEDURE (typeName: ARRAY OF CHAR;

dataType: INTEGER; prec: LONGINT; literalPrefix, literalSuffix,

createPars: ARRAY OF CHAR; nullable: INTEGER; caseSensitive: BOOLEAN;

searchable, unsigned: INTEGER; money: BOOLEAN; autoInc: INTEGER;

localTypeName: ARRAY OF CHAR; minScale, maxScale: INTEGER;

VAR continue: BOOLEAN);

EnumDriversCB = PROCEDURE (driver, attributes: ARRAY OF CHAR;

VAR continue: BOOLEAN);

\ env-: LONGINT; (* environment handle for the ODBC session *)

nullString-: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR;

options: SET;

PROCEDURE Open (source, user, passwd: ARRAY OF CHAR): Connection; (* opens a

connection to the specified database source with given user identification and password. *)


VAR connStrOut: ARRAY OF CHAR): Connection; (* opens a connection as specified

in connStrIn with possibly further user-interaction via dialog boxes. connStrOut

is the full connection string that can be used the next time to establish the connection

again. *)

PROCEDURE ShowError (ret: INTEGER; str: ARRAY OF CHAR; env, dbc,

stmt: LONGINT);

PROCEDURE SetOption; (* sets or resets the specified option, valid options are 1

(showErrors), 2 (haltOnErrors), and 3 (verboseErrorMsg). By specifying a negative value

the option is reset. *)

PROCEDURE PrepareStatement (c: Connection;

sqlString: ARRAY OF CHAR): Statement; (* prepares an SQL statement for execution.

If the sqlString returns any results (e.g. a SELECT statement) the member variable results

of the statement will point to a row containing a field for each column of the result set,

otherwise the member variable results of the statement is NIL. After PrepareStatement the

record field len of each element of results contains the maximum number of characters needed

to represent the corresponding data. The value in this record field len will only be valid until

a call to Execute, so if you need this information you must check it between the calls to

PrepareStatement and to Execute. *)

PROCEDURE ErrC (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; c: Connection);

PROCEDURE Tables (c: Connection): Statement; (* returns a prepared statement holding

a list of all table names in the specified data source. *)

PROCEDURE Commit (c: Connection); (* commits all statements associated with the

specified connection c (if supported by the database). *)

PROCEDURE Rollback (c: Connection); (* rolls back all statements executed on the

connection c since the last Commit (if supported by the database). *)

PROCEDURE Map (c: Connection; type: Type; VAR mapType: Type): BOOLEAN;

(* maps the desired sqlType with the specified precision and scale to the data type that

is supported by the connection (e.g. BIGINT may be mapped to CHAR(20), sqlType=-5,

mapType=1, mapPrec=20). *)

PROCEDURE GetTypeName (c: Connection; sqlType: INTEGER; VAR typeName,

createParams: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* returns the name of the SQL data type as it is

used in the specified data source connection (e.g. BIGINT may be mapped to CHAR(20),

sqlType=-5, mapType=1, mapPrec=20). *)

PROCEDURE GetConnOption (c: Connection; option: INTEGER; info: Field);

(* returns the current setting of the specified option. Valid values for option and info are

listed in the section gif. The info field must be either an IntField or a StringField

depending on the value of option. *)

PROCEDURE SetConnOption (c: Connection; option: INTEGER; info: Field);

(* sets options that govern aspects of the connection. Valid values for option and field are

listed in the section gif. The info field must be either an IntField or a StringField

depending on the value of option. *)

PROCEDURE GetInfo (c: Connection; infoNr: INTEGER; info: Field);

(* returns general information about the driver and data source associated with the connection.

Valid values for infoNr and info are listed in the section gif. The info field

must be either an IntField or a StringField depending on the value of infoNr. *)

PROCEDURE NewConnection (): Connection; (* returns a newly initialized connection

which is not yet connected with a data source. *)

PROCEDURE BindParameters (s: Statement; types: ARRAY OF ParamDesc;

numParams: INTEGER); (* binds the parameter fields to the statement s. The

array of parameters contains a description of each parameter: types[i].type determines the type

to be used in Oberon (i.e. what sort of Field (IntField, FileField, ...) should be

added to params). types[i].mapType determines the type used in the data source (SQLInteger,

SQLLVarBin, ...). types[i].inOut determines for which operation the parameter is used:

data transfer from the applcation to the database => InParam (parameter used in an INSERT

statement or in a stored procedure), to data transfer from the database to the application

=> OutParam (parameter is used in a stored procedure to get data), or bidirectional data

transfer => InOutParam (parameter is used in a stored procedure for input and output).

types[i].name can be used to name the parameter (i.e. you can find the corresponding Field in

the member variable params of the statement with the procedure FindField). *)

PROCEDURE Execute (s: Statement); (* executes the previously prepared statement. If the

statement delivers any data it can be retrieved after Execute with the procedure Fetch.

IMPORTANT: a statement which does not need parameters and does not return any data (e.g.

"DROP TABLE MyTable") will take effect even if you do not call Execute for this statement. *)

PROCEDURE RowCount (s: Statement; VAR rows: LONGINT); (* returns the number of

rows affected by the execution of s. This is not the number of rows which are delivered by a

SELECT statement but rather the number of rows affected by an UPDATE or DELETE statement.

If you want the number of rows in the result set of a SELECT statement use "SELECT

COUNT(*) ..." or increment a counter variable after each successful call to Fetch. *)

PROCEDURE Fetch (s: Statement); (* fetches the next result row for statement s (statement s

must, of course, have been executed before calling Fetch *)

PROCEDURE ErrS (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; s: Statement);

PROCEDURE GetStatementOption (s: Statement; option: INTEGER; info: Field);

(* returns the current setting of the specified statement option. Valid values for option and

info are listed in the section gif. The info field must be either an IntField or a

StringField depending on the value of option. *)

PROCEDURE SetStatementOption (s: Statement; option: INTEGER; info: Field);

(* sets options related with the statement. To set options associated with the connection, use

SetConnOption. Valid values for option and info are listed in the section gif. The info

field must be either an IntField or a StringField depending on the value of option. *)

PROCEDURE NewStatement (c: Connection): Statement; (* returns a newly initialized

statement which is associated with the connection c. *)

PROCEDURE GenerateResultRow (s: Statement); (* creates the result row with the

necessary fields for the prepared statement s. *)

PROCEDURE FirstField (r: Row; VAR f: Field); (* sets f to the first field in row r .

If row = NIL, f is NIL too. *)

PROCEDURE NextField (VAR f: Field); (* sets f to the next field in the row containing f,

NIL if there are no more fields. *)

PROCEDURE PrevField (VAR f: Field); (* sets f to the previous field in the row containing f,

NIL if there is no previous field. *)

PROCEDURE FindField (r: Row; name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR f: Field); (* sets f to the

field named name in row r. *)

PROCEDURE EnumDataSources (cb: EnumDataSourcesCB); (* enumerates all data sources,

by setting the parameter continue of the callback procedure to FALSE you can end the enumeration

process. *)

PROCEDURE EnumDataTypes (c: Connection; cb: EnumDataTypesCB;

sqlType: INTEGER); (* enumerates all data types supported by the database for the specified

sqlType (may be 0 in order to enumerate all data types), by setting the parameter continue of

the callback procedure to FALSE you can end the enumeration process. *)

PROCEDURE EnumDrivers (cb: EnumDriversCB); (* enumerates all ODBC database drivers,

by setting the parameter continue of the callback procedure to FALSE you can end the

enumeration process. *)

PROCEDURE SQLError (env, dbc, stmt: LONGINT; VAR sqlState: ARRAY OF CHAR;



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Christoph Steindl
Thu Jul 24 14:37:19 MET DST 1997