Seminar in Software Engineering:

339.378 2SE Herbert Prähofer Di 15:30 - 17:00 S3 218 Start: 08.10.2024


The goal of this seminar is to explore and compare different concepts of programming languages and systems.

Possible topics are (will be selected in the first meeting, others are possible):

  • Scala's type system
  • Rust's type system
  • Reference borrowing in Rust
  • Typscript's structural typing
  • Haskell
  • Julia and Pluto
  • Kotlin
  • ...

We will form teams of two people and each team will deal with one topic. The seminar will be conducted in the following phases:

  1. First meeting: Introduction to the topic and guidelines for the seminar by the seminar leader
  2. Studying the literature, exploring the technology (individual work, individual meeting with the seminar leader)
  3. Second meeting: Presentation of the programming models in a short lecture to the seminar participants
  4. Implementation of a small sample application system (individual work, individual meeting with the seminar leader)
  5. Preparation of a presentation of the topic and sample application (individual work, individual meeting with the seminar leader)
  6. Third meeting: Presentation of result to the seminar participants
  7. Preparation of a seminar report