Special Topics in Software Engineering:

Functional Programming

339.361 1KV Zsok

The main motivation is to provide the attendees with overview of functional programming paradigm. Functional programming offers excellent programming facilities for the newest trends in computer science. The high level abstraction of FP enables the development of applications for specific purposes. The presentations of such highly studied topics is beneficial for students less involved yet with this programming paradigm. Alternating lecture presentations (total 10 units of 45 min.) with small practical project exercises on which the students work independently (accounting for 5 units) are planned for knowledge acquiring. As a programming language we will use the functional language Clean.


Dr. Viktoria Zsok, Eötvös Lorand University Budapest


Date Time Room
Wed 18.10.2023 15:30-18:45 HS 3
Thu 19.10.2023 15:30-18:00 P 004
Fri 20.10.2023 12:45-15:15 S3 055


  • Defining functions (guards, patterns, compositions)
  • Recursive functions, currying
  • Data structures (lists, tuples) and specific types
  • List comprehensions. Generators
  • Higher order functions, related algorithms
  • Records, arrays, trees, classes
  • Abstract Data Types (ADT) and their usages
  • Project

    Students will have to do a project that will also be used for grading this course. Details on the project assignment will be published here soon.

    Additional consultations are planned along with discussions on research topics in FP nowadays, possible thesis topics, international mobility possibilities to ELTE, and joint projects possibilities (beside SusTrainable Project developments).

    Slides and downloads

    Slides and other course material can be downloaded from https://zsv.web.elte.hu/swlcl/.
    Additional downloads